10 Features Every Client Should Use

At ClientCon in May, I ran a presentation called “10 Features Every Client Should Use,” intended to help clients get the most out of ActionKit. I wanted to highlight a handful of different features that every client would find useful and wanted it to be a good mix — some things quick and easy, others that would take a little more time to set up fully. Here’s a brief overview of those ten features.

Mailing Models

Mailing models are templates or starting points you can use to create new mailings — with your pre-set targeting and layout all set up for you already.

Page Models

Similar to mailing models, page models are templates or starting points for your pages and are especially useful for types of pages that you’ve customized heavily, like a video share page or a reportback page.

Two-factor authentication

You care about your members’ privacy, and they trust you to protect their data. Setting up two-factor authentication allows you to safeguard that information by adding an extra layer of security to your ActionKit staff accounts.

Staff announcements

Announcements allow you to remind staff of new policies, targeting, or workflows and stick to the top of every page in ActionKit for logged-in staff users. They’re especially useful for reminding staff of changes or things to keep in mind, and you can easily dismiss them.

Customize “Your Progress”

The “Your Progress” dashboard that appears at the top of the Home tab when logged into ActionKit can be customized with things like documentation, onboarding and training resources, a mailing calendar, or report results.

Custom Page Fields

Custom page fields allow you to make big and small changes to your pages without needing a lot of ongoing code changes. Most commonly this is used to change things like the text of submit buttons, but the sky’s the limit!

A/B Testing

A/B testing allows you to test different variations of a page to see which one gets more actions or donations. You can test changes to the layout and design, or test different versions of content to see which images or messaging are more effective.


The faster your pages load, the more actions and donations you’ll get. You should be doing everything you can to make your pages load as quickly as possible, and using a tool like Cloudfront can make a big impact with just a small one-time setup.

Customize “Draft Dash”

The “Draft Dash” dashboard appears just above the Send button of your mailings and can be customized with just-in-time reminders, a checklist of things to make sure you’ve done before sending a mailing, and even automated checks for common targeting and tagging mistakes.

Suppress Spam Actions

ActionKit has built-in protection against spam bots, and it’s worth periodically checking your spam settings to make sure that everything’s configured just the way you want it.

To learn more about setting these up, check out the presentation 10 Features Every Client Should Use — and be sure to read the presenter’s notes. It’ll be like you were right there at ClientCon!

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